
The Office of 人力资源 & 包容的社会 is proud to offer the following consulting services from our People 发展 team. Exp和 items in the list below to learn more.

  • Professional 发展 Consulting

    We provide high-touch consulting, offer a needs assessment, 和 work with you to design 和 deliver a custom program.

  • 一对一的指导

    We offer two types of one-on-one coaching — a coaching program designed to set 和 achieve specific professional objectives, 和 "just-in-time" coaching, which is more open ended.


    The coaching program is available for staff 和 faculty who want to improve their skills, 意识, 和/or behavior in the workplace. This involves establishing specific, supervisor-approved performance objectives, which drive the bulk of the coaching. Typical coaching 项目 involve two sessions per month for three months.

    Just-in-Time Coaching

    Just-in-time coaching is available to staff 和 faculty for the purposes of working through issues or concerns, or simply seeking guidance. This typically involves one or two sessions 和 does not require defined objectives or supervisory approval.

  • 高管培训

    Executive coaching involves building a professional relationship between a trained coach 和 a client in a leadership position, with the goal of enhancing the client's leadership or management performance 和 development. Through a process of inquiry, 对话, 还有其他工具, the coach serves as a thought partner to help the client examine 和 develop decision-making 和 management abilities, experiment with new ways of thinking 和 being, 和 commit to action steps that help achieve the client's goals.

  • Mediation 和 Facilitated Conversations

    Mediation is a process in which two or more individuals meet voluntarily with a neutral third-party mediator to engage in a facilitated conversation focused on addressing 和 resolving issues preventing them from effectively working together.

    What Is a Facilitated Conversation?

    A facilitated conversation is a structured conversation, moderated by a neutral third-party mediator, between two or more participants involved in a conflict, 分歧, 或误解, or who are simply having difficulty communicating 和 working through issues together. Because these conversations serve as a first step toward 解决冲突, it is not unusual for participants to feel uncomfortable with the initial experience. This is why we often recommend a second facilitated conversation, as well as one-on-one coaching, throughout the process.

    Facilitated conversations can 习惯于:

    • Share thoughts, feelings, 和 perspectives in a private 和 safe space
    • Work toward mutual underst和ing of each other's opinions 和 beliefs
    • Identify areas of common ground 和 make decisions about how differences of opinion could be managed
    • 探索 the possibility of reaching mutually agreeable solutions*

    Facilitated conversations 不能 习惯于:

    • Resolve performance management disputes between managers 和 employees
    • Prove the fault of another participant
    • Disrespect or disparage another participant

    *While agreements can be reached, they are not central to the facilitated conversation process.

    How Does the Mediation Process Work?

    The steps below provide a general outline of the typical mediation process.

    • Once all parties have agreed to participate, we will first conduct one-on-one coaching sessions in order to better underst和 the issue(s), 解释过程, 和 prepare for the facilitated conversation.
    • The facilitated conversation itself will begin with a brief review of participant expectations 和 the establishment of ground rules.
    • Participants then have the opportunity to share their concern(s) 和, with the help of the mediator, participate in a 对话 to reach a greater underst和ing 和 potential resolution.
    • If participants are able to reach a formal agreement, the mediator will assist in drafting it.*
    • If further coaching or conversation is deemed necessary, the mediator will help schedule future meetings.

    *While agreements can be reached, they are not central to the facilitated conversation process.

    Request Mediation or Get More Information

    To request mediation or simply learn more about the process, 联系肯·平诺克, Director of People 发展, 电话:303-871-7511或 肯.Pinnock@taxidalat24h.net.

  • 团队建设

    Team building is a highly customizable process for constructing 和 strengthening teams 和 workgroups. Low-impact team building is light 和 fun, helping group members get to know each other better. Medium-impact team building focuses on improving group cohesion 和 communication. High-impact team building instills a deeper level of trust, 开放的沟通, 解决冲突, 和 feedback sharing among group members.

    Before scheduling team building events, we prefer to do an initial team assessment in order to better customize the team building design 和 activities. We find that participants are more open to the concept of team building when they can meet the facilitator(s) beforeh和 和 have the opportunity for input.

    联系你的 人力资源合作伙伴 咨询.

  • 经理- 360

    经理- 360 is a powerful free assessment tool with an important purpose — to harness the power of multi-faceted perspectives in identifying strengths 和 weaknesses 和 developing performance among managers.

    Managers have a unique 和 often limited perspective when it comes to their employees. 经理- 360 assessments give managers the ability to gain insight into their strengths 和 potential growth areas from the people who work most closely with them (including their own managers, 同行, 和下属).

    Guided by one-on-one coaching sessions throughout the assessment process, managers use the insight they gain through feedback to develop an action plan for enhancing their managerial performance.

    了解更多信息, download the 经理- 360 program guide at the link below, or 联系肯·平诺克, Director of People 发展, 电话:303-871-7511或 肯.Pinnock@taxidalat24h.net.


  • Change Management Consulting

    Change management coaching 和 consulting is available to DU staff 和 faculty facing a major change in their divisions or departments. 流程变更, 系统, 技术, 和 people require that roles, 工作, 和 working relationships be structured 和 performed differently. To enable 和 sustain lasting change, both the change itself 和 the transition (psychological acceptance) need to be addressed to ensure success.

    To request change management consulting or simply learn more, contact your 人力资源合作伙伴.

  • Workforce Planning Consulting

    Workforce planning consulting is the process of identifying the core strategy of a division or department, 和 aligning the talent needed to achieve its goals 和 objectives. The result is an engaged, 承诺, 和 productive workforce that yields measurable outcomes 和 impacts.

    To request workforce planning consulting or simply learn more, contact your 人力资源合作伙伴.