员工带薪假期 & 休假


假期 2023 2024
元旦 1月2日(星期一) 1月1日星期一
马丁·路德·金. 一天 1月16日星期一 1月15日星期一
阵亡将士纪念日 5月29日星期一 5月27日星期一
六月节 6月19日星期一 6月19日星期三
独立日 7月4日星期二 7月4日星期四
劳动节 9月4日星期一 9月2日星期一
感恩节 11月23日星期四 11月28日星期四
感恩节后的一天 11月24日星期五 11月29日星期五
假日派对后半天 12月15日星期五 12月13日星期五
寒假 12月25日周一至29日周五 12月25日星期三到12月31日星期二



  • 假期离开

    Vacation benefits accrue for appointed non-faculty employees based on duration of employment:

    • 全职员工每年休假15天,或1天.每月25天,最多15天假期.
    • 休假应计额是按比例计算的工作时间少于全职的员工.
    • 七年后 为大学提供福利服务, 假期累计率增加到每月2天, 总共最多22天的假期.

    Vacation leave accrual stops once the maximum has been reached 和 resumes when the balance falls below the maximum. Accrued time will carry over from year to year until it is utilized or until separation of employment.

    在分离, any accrued unused vacation leave will be paid out according to University policy 和 included in your final paycheck.


  • 病假

    Full-time, non-faculty employees accrue sick time at 1 day per month up to a maximum of 130 days.  非全职员工的病假应计费用按比例计算.


    An employer must provide 1 hour of accrued, paid leave per 30 hours worked, up to 48 hours per year. 累算带薪病假可用于多种健康和安全需要:

    • 由于精神或身体原因不能工作 疾病、伤害或健康状况
    • 获得 预防性医疗保健 (包括接种疫苗),或 医疗诊断/保健/治疗.
    • 需求: 家庭暴力,性侵犯或刑事骚扰 包括医疗护理, 心理健康护理或其他咨询, 法律或其他受害者服务, 或搬迁.
    • 照顾家庭成员 谁需要上面列出的那种护理.
    • 在一次 板式换热器, 一名政府官员关闭了该员工的工作场所, 或者员工的学校或照顾地点 孩子.
    • 8月有效. 7, 2023:丧亲之痛,或某一事件后的经济/法律需求 家庭成员死亡; or
    • 8月有效. 7, 2023由于恶劣 天气、电力/热/水损失或其他意外事件,雇员必须
      1. 疏散 他们的居所;或
      2. 照顾一个家庭成员 学校或看护场所已经关闭.



    Employers can require documentation for accrued paid sick leave (not for COVID-related public health emergency (板式换热器) leave), but only for absences of four or more consecutive days — 和 employees can provide the documentation after the leave ends.

  • 教师带薪产假

    正规赌博十大平台排行 provides up to 12 weeks of fully-paid parental leave for faculty members, 哪些必须在交货后一年内服用, 采用, 或者寄养安排, 以及新生儿或被收养儿童的护理和健康. This paid leave shall be taken continuously (defined as no more than three blocks of consecutive weeks) 和 concurrently with FAMLI 和 may bridge multiple academic terms. 教师 members will also be granted a course release equivalent to one academic term 和 will need to coordinate the leave plans with their department chairs or deans with the goal of providing flexibility while minimizing the impact to the academic operations of the department.


    亲生父母和非亲生父母都可以休育儿假. DU的带薪育儿假福利必须与, 是适用的, 家庭医疗休假法(FMLA)规定的休假, 科罗拉多州探亲假, 对生父来说也是如此, 短期伤残津贴.


    只要有可能, faculty members intending to take parental leave should inform their chairs or deans no later than three months prior to the proposed beginning of the leave. 如果这是不可能由于早产, 突然可以收养, 或者其他不可预知的家庭状况变化, 仍然会允许休假.


    教师 members taking parental leave may request the addition of one year to the total number of years that otherwise would constitute that individual's tenure probationary period. Such requests shall be made in writing no later than six months after the end of the parental leave period, 并且必须得到相应院长和教务长的批准. 本次选举不可撤销,不得修改.


    在计算年资以获得休假资格时, time spent on a faculty parental leave will constitute a term of service 和 will not delay sabbatical eligibility.


    请假沟通表 必须提交给中国人民福利. 需要提供证明文件..


    中国人权福利邮箱: 好处@taxidalat24h.net

  • 员工带薪产假

    的 University provides up to 12 weeks of partially- or fully- paid Parental Leave for all benefited staff to assist 和 support new parents with balancing work 和 family matters. 的 University will continue to pay the employer’s portion of the employee’s health insurance premium while the employee is on Parental Leave. 

    的 University does allow for intermittent parental leave as long as the schedule is not disruptive to the business operations of the unit 和 has been approved by the employee's supervisor. 在一些部门,由于职位的性质,不允许间歇休假. 

    育婴假适用于亲生父母和非亲生父母. Parental Leave must run concurrently with FAMLI, FMLA, 和 short-term 和 long-term disability. 像这样, 员工必须申请FAMLI, 在申请育儿假之前,有家庭伤残和/或短期残疾. 当生孩子的父母休育儿假时, 这些假期将与大学的核心短期残疾福利一起发放, 当可适用. 

    的 amount of Parental Leave the University will pay depends on whether the employee is receiving paid benefits from some other source (such as FAMLI, 短期或长期残疾). An employee taking Parental Leave may not receive more in compensation than their average weekly wage regardless of the source of the payments. 

    如果父母双方都受雇于大学, 父母双方都可以休育儿假,也可以选择这样做, 但不是必须的, 同时休这样的假. 只要有可能, employees intending to take Parental Leave should inform their department or division leadership no later than three (3) months prior to the proposed beginning of the Parental Leave. 如果这是不可能由于早产, 突然可以收养, 或者其他不可预知的家庭状况变化, 学校仍会给予家长假. 

    必须在分娩后的第一年内休育儿假, 采用, 或者寄养安排, 以及新生儿或被收养儿童的护理和健康. 生育或安置多子女不会增加育婴假的时间. 

    在产假结束后,员工必须返回工作岗位至少30天. Employees who choose not to return to work for reasons other than an ongoing serious health condition must reimburse the University the amount the University paid: (a) for the employer’s portion of the employee's health insurance premium; 和 (b) to the employee as salary during the Parental Leave period. 在育婴假期间由学校支付的员工健康保险. 


    育婴假适用于生育和非生育的父母. 所有受益员工都有资格获得长达12周的带薪育儿假.



    FAMLI & FMLA休假表 必须提交给中国人民福利.

    中国人权福利邮箱: 好处@taxidalat24h.net


  • 可自由支配的离开

    大学可自行决定是否给予酌情休假. 以便考虑酌情休假, eligible employees must comply with the FMLA leave requirements regarding coordination with other leave, 请注意, 和, 如果适用的话, 医学认证.

    教师 和 professional staff applying for non-medical discretionary leave should submit written requests at least four months in advance. 如果员工不遵守这些要求, 大学保留拒绝申请酌情休假的权利.

    可因学习请求酌情休假, 研究, 教育旅游, 或其他能提升员工对大学服务的工作, 提供重要的社区服务, 或者对员工和大学都有利.



    • 任命的非工会雇员
    • 终身教职人员
    • 其他服务三年或以上的专业人员

    法律另有规定的除外, 大学不需要在任何特定情况下给予酌情休假.


    的 University reserves the right to deny reinstatement of any employee who takes discretionary leave, 除非法律另有规定. 如果员工在休假期间不能保留原来的职位, the University will make reasonable efforts to place the employee in a position of equivalent status 和 salary upon return from leave.

  • 丧亲离开

    Leave with pay is available to all appointed exempt 和 non-exempt (non-faculty) staff because of death in the immediate family. 直系亲属仅限于雇员的配偶, 雇员的父母或配偶, 雇员或雇员配偶的子女, 雇员或雇员配偶的兄弟姐妹, 或雇员的祖父母或雇员的配偶. 如果葬礼在科罗拉多州,则丧假将限制为三天, 如果是在科罗拉多州以外,则为5天. 主管可以要求讣告或其他通知,以证实缺席.


  • 陪审职务假

    Paid jury duty leave is available to all appointed employees for the duration of their jury service. 当收到陪审团义务的传票时,应将其提交给雇员的主管. 如果员工在正常工作时间不履行陪审义务,则应报到工作. Supervisors may require their employees to furnish documentation from the court clerk certifying days served. 收到的任何陪审义务费可由雇员保留.


  • FMLA对军人家庭的规定

    1月28日, 2008, new provisions of the FMLA were signed into law requiring up 26 weeks of protected leave for employees who:

    • 为在执行任务时受伤的服务人员提供护理
    • 照顾正在接受治疗的退伍军人, 恢复, 或治疗, 都是门诊病人, 或因严重受伤或疾病而在临时残疾退休名单上
    • 是受伤军人的配偶、儿子、女儿、父母或近亲吗

    新的修正案还为配偶提供了长达12周的FMLA假期, 孩子, 或者任何军人的父母, 包括预备役军人和国民警卫队成员, 谁被称为现役军人.

    的 statutory language grants leave for any "qualifying exigency" caused by the active duty call up.

    Employers are entitled to request that the service member provide certification of being called to active duty. 在这两种军人家属的FMLA休假类型下,间歇休假是可用的.

    有关更多信息,请参阅FMLA页面 劳工处网站.


