DUGC Urban Sustainability Cohort

在杜我们相信,“可持续发展”意味着共同努力,创造一个生态系统和社会可以蓬勃发展的世界. 正规赌博十大平台排行挑战(DUGC)认识到,当每个人都拥有充分生活所需的东西时,社区就会蓬勃发展, work, and participate in the social fabric that holds us all together. DUGC brings  faculty, staff, 学生和地区社区领袖通过社区-大学对话和合作伙伴关系共同推进这一愿景.

DUGC城市可持续发展队列是DUGC四个集体影响队列之一,其中教师, staff and students partner with community leaders from the public, private, and civic sectors to improve daily life, now and in the future.  Each cohort aims to increase the number of faculty, staff, and students engaged in community-based scholarship, increase the number of community partners actively engaged with DU, and increase the strength of existing community-university partnerships.

城市可持续发展队列建立在正规赌博十大平台排行学建立社区合作伙伴关系的悠久历史之上,重点关注五个关键的原型倡议,以促进公共利益, each intended to contribute to one unifying result:


Metro Denver Nature Alliance (Metro DNA):

Collective Impact for Healthy People & Place

Metro DNA (metrodna.org) is a growing coalition of non-profit, government, research, 私营部门合作伙伴寻求协调基于自然的努力,以确保更公平地获得自然和促进健康的人, communities, and natural places. Long before Metro DNA’s official launch in 2018, DU Professor Susan Daggett and other faculty, staff and students have played a crucial role in the alliance's development.

  • Key Community Partners

    Metro DNA includes over 50 official partnering organizations.

  • Key Action Areas

    DU faculty, staff, 学生们正在通过社区参与中心推进丹佛大都会的城市社会生态研究,以促进奖学金和学习(CCESL来自不同系的学生和教师参与的奖学金和班级项目-地理, Law, Communications, Social Work, Biology, Computer Science, and more.

    如果你是一个社区组织或DU社区的成员,对丹佛大都会的城市社会生态研究感兴趣, please visit the DU ScholarShop.

  • Key DU Cohort Members

    Professor Susan Daggett, Sturm College of Law

    Dr. Cara DiEnnno, Center for Community Engagement to advance Scholarship and Learning

    Dr. Chad King, The Center for Sustainability


Amplifying Community Voices in Public Policy

Achieving a just and sustainable future requires meaningful, inclusive participation in decision-making. 社区参与促进奖学金和学习中心(CCESL)已经开发并促进了三个系列的摄影声音研讨会,以扩大社区在公共政策形成中的声音. Photovoice是一个项目参与者通过围绕项目主题的摄影记录他们的生活经历的过程. 通过在政府官员和其他社区领导人出席的活动中展示他们的照片, 参与者通过当地居民的视角帮助决策者理解社区问题.

Measuring Human & Ecological Wellbeing (HEW)

在公众意识中,以gdp为基础的衡量标准作为经济成功的代表占据压倒性的主导地位, media, and policy-making has perpetuated economic development focused on profit, too often at the expense of people and planet. As US Presidential Candidate Bobby Kennedy suggested in 1968, GDP “'measures everything except that which makes life worthwhile.“城市可持续发展队列”的领导者正在与丹佛地区(以及科罗拉多州更广泛的地区)的合作伙伴合作,制定一套人类和生态福祉的可衡量指标,这些指标可用于支持为所有人的生活和福祉服务的经济.

  • Key Community Partners

    Ethics & Ecological Economic Forum (eeeforum.org)

    Shift Research Lab, Piton Foundation (shiftresearchlab.org)

    Metro DNA (metrodna.org)

  • Key Action Areas

    HEW团队一直在通过其广受欢迎的概念文件转发不同社区领导人之间的对话, engagement with Metro DNA partners, and monthly convenings of the EEE Forum featuring leaders such as the Colorado Trust, Colorado Health Institute, and Natural Capital Solutions, and Denver Regional Air Quality Council.

  • Key DU Cohort Members

    Dr. Sarah Bexell, Social Work

    Dr. David Carlson, EEE Forum

    Dr. Andrew Mueller, Daniels College of Business -Real Estate

    Dr. Paul Sutton, Geography

Interdisciplinary Sustainability Clinic

促进我们社区的可持续发展往往需要许多学科的集体行动和合作.  Currently, the law school operates the Environmental Law Clinic and Community Economic Development Clinic, 哪一个能满足社区成员和致力于促进环境正义和可持续发展的组织的一些法律需求.  However, 这些项目的教师已经从他们的社区合作伙伴那里确定了对许多学科专业知识的需求,以帮助社区提高自身的可持续性,并在州和地方层面倡导他们的利益.

  • Key Community Partners

    Community partners will be identified once interested faculty, staff, and students at the University of Denver have organized and identified areas to focus on, and through DU’s Scholar Shop, which connects community organizations and DU faculty, staff and students according to their shared interests and priorities.

  • Key Action Areas

    Cohort leaders are in the exploratory phase, convening conversations among interested faculty, staff, 学生和社区成员评估兴趣并为试点项目创造可能性.一个试点项目将探索通过一个新的社区诊所可以提供的作用和结果. Following the pilot,  该小组将审查和反思工作,并确定一个更永久的可持续性诊所是否可行和值得.

  • Key DU Cohort Members

    Professor Kevin Lynch, Sturm College of Law

    Dr. Chad King, The Center for Sustainability

Institutional Hub for Just & Sustainable Futures

所有的试点项目都旨在为丹佛地区的公正和可持续的未来做出贡献——但是,什么样的制度结构可以为促进公正的互惠社区大学伙伴关系提供长期支持呢, inclusive and thriving communities where people and nature flourish? 城市可持续发展队列的领导人正在努力扩大机构基础设施,以支持跨学科的知识中心, collaborative, place-based,  research and curricula. 该中心将为教师和学生提供支持,同时与社区合作伙伴建立长期关系. As the backbone to these projects, 该中心将提供一个运作框架,以发展和加强跨学科研究和课程,以实现公正和可持续的未来.

This work builds on the curricular and research strengths of the Colleges and Schools of DU, 专注于解决丹佛都市区和Front Range地区面临的独特的可持续性挑战.

  • Key Community Partners

    Through the Urban Sustainability Cohort’s partnership with Metro DNA, DU Sustainability now has a physical presence in downtown Denver at The Alliance Center. DU’s Scholar Shop 帮助与致力于公正和可持续未来的DU内外的变革者建立联系.

  • Key Action Areas

    Cohort leaders developed a Knowledge Bridges proposal for a DU Institute for a Just & Sustainable Future to bring DU Schools and Colleges, interdisciplinary programs, 与社区合作伙伴一起,在经济活力的交叉点推进解决方案, environmental quality, and social justice.

  • Key DU Cohort Members

    Dr. Susan Daggett, Sturm College of Law

    Dr. Cara DiEnno, CCESL

    Dr. Chad King, The Center for Sustainability

    Dr. Rebecca Powell, Geography