退出DU (R2T4政策)

这项政策被称为标题IV基金返还(R2T4)政策,适用于任何获得经济援助的人, 开始上课, 和 then subsequently either withdraws from all classes, 停止参加, or fails to receive passing grades during the term.

For more information on initiating an official withdrawal from the University, visit the 司法常务官办公室.

> PDF of Full R2T4 Policy

  • R2T4策略概述

    标题IV(联邦)基金是在你将在整个援助期间上学的前提下授予给你的. When you withdraw from all courses for any reason, 包括医疗退出, 您可能不再有资格获得原计划获得的全额第四章资金.

    If you withdraw from all courses prior to completing at least 60 percent of the term, 你可能会被要求偿还你在那个学期收到的部分联邦财政援助. 一个按比例的时间表是用来确定你在提款时将获得的联邦学生援助资金的数额.

    资金返还是基于这样一个概念,即学生获得的经济援助与他们正规赌博十大平台排行的时间成比例. 在这种推理下, 在第二周退课的学生比在第七周退课的学生获得的助学金要少. Once 60 percent of the term is completed, 你被认为已经获得了所有的经济援助,不需要退还任何资金. If you withdraw during the 100 percent refund (add/drop) period for any term, all of your aid for that term will be canceled 和 returned.

  • 确定退出日期

    正式退出, the effective withdrawal date is the first date of notification by the student to the 司法常务官办公室 or other designated official offices. 为了非正式的退出, 这是学校意识到该学生不再在学校就读的日期.

    • 为了非正式的退出 due to the student failing all classes, 有效退课日期为学期的中点或导师报告的最后一次出勤日期, 以较晚的为准.
    • 被开除学籍学生的退学日期为开除通知日期.
    • 被休学学生的休学日期为休学上诉被驳回的截止日期.

    We may use a last date of attendance for the effective withdrawal date if...

    • 学生上课或提交课程的最后日期由杜里大学的一名员工核实,该员工了解学生的上课情况, or...
    • 有紧急情况,有第三方文件证明学生没有上课.

    DU does not accept a student's self-reported last date of attendance. 学生有责任通过学费上诉程序或病假批准提供最后出勤日期的文件.


    • 任何在学期第6周后退学的学生必须有导师的签名才能退学.
    • 一个学生可能不会得到不完整的分数,除非他们参加了至少60%的学期.


    Please note: if you have work-study, the withdrawal date is also the last day you may work in your work-study position.

  • 第四章资金的返还

    Step 1: Student's Title IV Information


    • The total amount of Title IV aid disbursed (if any) for the term you withdrew. 如果在您退出之日或之前申请到您的帐户,那么您的标题IV援助将被计算为已支付的援助.
    • The total amount of Title IV aid disbursed, plus the aid that could have disbursed (if any) for the term in which you withdrew.


    We will calculate the percentage of aid earned as follows:


    Days Attended / Days in Enrollment Period = Percentage Completed

    如果计算出的百分比超过60%,那么你就“赚取”了该期间的所有援助. If you withdraw on or after the dates listed below, 你将获得超过60%的助学金,我们不会退还任何资金.

    * *重要提示: The date you earn more than 60 percent of your aid 不一致 与退课的学费退款时间表一起,只用于确定我们必须归还的经济援助金额(如果有的话)。. 请参阅 司法常务官办公室 for more information on tuition refunds.

    Step 3: Amount of 援助 Earned by Student

    We will calculate the amount of aid earned as follows:


    总计 援助 Disbursed x Percentage of 援助 Earned = 总计 Earned 援助

    Step 4: Amount of Title IV 援助 to be Disbursed or Returned

    • If the aid already disbursed equals the earned aid, no further action is required.
    • If the aid already disbursed is greater than the earned aid, the difference must be returned to the appropriate Title IV aid program. This means that a balance may be created on your DU tuition account, 和 you will then be billed 和 responsible for paying all charges.
      • 总计 Disbursed 援助 - Earned 援助 = Unearned 援助 to be Returned
    • If the aid already disbursed is less than the earned aid, we will calculate a post-withdrawal disbursement. If this post-withdrawal disbursement contains loan funds, you may elect to decline these funds so you do not incur additional debt. You'll be notified of any additional disbursements via email to your DU account.

    我们可能会自动使用全部或部分取款后支付(包括贷款资金)的学费, 费用或食宿费. For all other charges on your account (health insurance, parking passes, etc.), 你必须授权学校使用已经支付的经济援助来支付这些费用,在在线援助接受过程中完成第四章授权 MyDU.

    If you do not authorize the school to use these funds, 它们将以退款的形式退还给您,您将负责应付的余额. 由于其他资格要求,一旦您退出,某些类型的第四章援助可能无法提供给您.

  • 退还资金令


    1. 无补贴联邦直接贷款
    2. 联邦直接补贴贷款
    3. 联邦家长PLUS贷款
    4. 联邦佩尔助学金
    5. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants


    联邦无补贴贷款和补贴直接贷款以及联邦珀金斯贷款的贷款偿还宽限期将从退学当天开始. 如果您对宽限期或还款状况有疑问,请联系服务机构.

  • 在MyDU中查看信息

    如果你退出DU, 您可以查看您的取款日期, 获得援助的百分比和金额, 和 the details of any Title IV funds returned through MyDU.

    >> View your withdrawal information


