自由表达日 & 多元化

Look out for more information on Spark 2025 soon!

Spark 2024总结
这是它的第二年, Spark ignited engaging conversations on the pressing issues challenging democracies 和 institutions worldwide. 


  • Heard a conversation on whether our laws—or policies—protect 仇恨言论. 
  • 探索d the intersection of 社会正义 和 civil discourse. 
  • 辩论d about whether codes of conduct should include social media activity.
  • Anonymously shared your free expression experience at DU. 

Spark 2024事件




  • 时间:上午10点至11点15分.m. 
  • 地点:虚拟 

Where is the line between free speech 和 仇恨言论? 我们的法律是如何定义这个界限的. 文化、制度或国际规范?   

Join to hear national thought leaders 和 scholars on free speech, 仇恨言论, 第一修正案, 女权主义, 社会正义, 技术, religion 和 media discuss these complex 和 deeply important questions.   


Derigan银, DU’s 教师 director of freedom of expression 和 civil discourse initiatives 和 chair of the Department of Media, 电影与新闻学.


凯蒂坎贝尔, professor of communications studies at Metropolitan State University 和 co-author of 2009 book, Neo-Pragmatism, Communication, 和 the 文化 of Creative Democracy 
凯特琳卡尔森, associate professor in communications at Seattle University 和 author of 2021 book, 仇恨言论
格雷格Lukianoff, CEO of Foundation for Individual Rights 和 Expression 和 author of several books including the 2018, The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions 和 Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure
埃布帕特尔, director of Interfaith America 和 author of several books including the 2022, We Need to Build: Field Notes for Diverse Democracy



午餐 & 辩论 

Should social media posts by students be subject to the University’s code of conduct?  

  • 时间:中午至下午1:45.m. 
  • 地点:安德森学术中心290 

Join us for a free Snarf’s lunch 和 take part in a debate on this complex topic. This non-competitive debate allows anyone in the room to speak, listen ask questions. It will also feature short speeches from different viewpoints featuring students, 教师, 工作人员, 或者社区成员.   

Jeremy Johnson, assistant professor of rhetoric, will serve as chair for the debate.  


 Bridge USA标志


这场辩论是学院辩论的一部分 & Discourse Alliance, co-sponsored by Braver Angels, ACTA, 和 BridgeUSA. 




跨越差异的对话 An Interdisciplinary Conversation on Perceived Tensions Between Social Justice 和 Civil Discourse   

  • 时间:下午2:30 - 3:45.m. 
  • 地点:安德森学术中心290 

Listen to a conversation between four esteemed DU community members with backgrounds ranging from public policy, 国际事务中, 股本, 外交政策, 历史, 比较政治学, 和更多的. They will discuss civil discourse as part of the work of 社会正义, how civil discourse has been used a tool to engage across difference, as well as the limits of civil discourse when viewed through the structures of power.       


塔姆拉·皮尔森·德·斯特里, associate professor of conflict resolution in the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver

Professor of conflict resolution in the Josef Korbel School of International Studies

Director of Global 环境al Sustainability MA, Global 环境al Change & 适应证

Korbel Lead of International 和 Intercultural Communication Certificate

Coordinator of the Conflict Engagement 和 Resolution Initiative


Naazneen Barma
Naazneen Barma, founding director of DU’s Scrivner Institute of Public Policy 和 associate professor at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver.
劳伦·哈蒙德, DU’s inaugural assistant vice-chancellor for diversity, 股本, 和 inclusion – academic engagement 和 historian.  
Liz Sheriden Sperber
Liz Sheridan Sperber, assistant professor in political science in DU’s College of 艺术, Humanities 和 Social 科学s.  
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