
除了 to the policies 和 procedures set forth in the University of Denver Employee H和book (“H和book”), the information set forth in a particular 状态 addendum applies only to those University of Denver employees working in the 状态 of the applicable addendum. 国家附录对手册进行如下修改.


如本手册与任何适用附录的规定有冲突, 冲突的解决方法如下:


  • 如果学校提供的福利比适用附录中提供的福利更慷慨, 大学将为员工提供更慷慨的福利,除非该福利受到法律(如法律)的限制.g.(指科罗拉多州的居民或雇员).


  • If a University policy or procedure provides an employee with more protection than that provided under the applicable Addendum, 大学更具保护性的政策或程序将适用于大学内部流程, 和 the policy or procedure specified in the applicable Addendum will apply to external proceedings in the applicable 状态 or local 年龄ncy.


例如,如果大学 歧视及骚扰政策 包含比特定状态提供的更多的受保护状态, the University’s 歧视及骚扰政策  和 the applicable procedures established by the 平等机会办公室 & 第九条(EOIX)将适用于向EOIX提交的报告或投诉.  向州或地方民权机构投诉, 国家附录所提供的保护将适用.


员工 正规赌博十大平台排行手册或任何适用附录的问题,请联系他们的人力资源合作伙伴 AskHRPartners@taxidalat24h.net.






新墨西哥州的家庭暴力受害者可能需要长达14天的时间, 连续的还是间歇的, 每年的无薪休假时间:


  • 获得或试图获得免受家庭虐待的保护令或其他司法救济;


  • 与执法人员会面;


  • Consult with attorneys or District Attorney Victim Advocates; or


  • 出席有关雇员或其家庭成员受家暴的法庭诉讼. “家庭成员”是指雇员的未成年子女或雇员作为法定监护人的人.


Employees must provide the University of Denver reasonable advance notice of the need to take time off under this policy, 如果可行的. 如果提前通知不可行,员工必须尽快提供通知. 在紧急情况下请家庭假时, an employee or an employee’s designee must provide notice to the University of Denver within twenty-four hours of commencing the leave.


正规赌博十大平台排行可以要求学生提供合理的文件,以反映请假的必要性, 包括, 但不限于:


  • 一份警方报告,表明该雇员或其家庭成员是家庭暴力的受害者;


  • A copy of an order of protection or other court evidence produced in connection with an incident of domestic abuse(providing the document does not constitute a waiver of confidentiality or privilege between the employee 和 the employee's advocate or attorney); or


  • 代表雇员的律师的书面声明, 地方检察官的受害者辩护律师, a law enforcement official or a prosecuting attorney that the employee or their family member appeared or is scheduled to appear in court in connection with an incident of domestic abuse.


在法律允许的范围内, the University of Denver will treat all information related to an employee’s leave pursuant to this policy as confidential. The University of Denver will not discriminate or 报复 employees for taking or requesting leave in compliance with this policy.


Employees may use available vacation 和/or paid sick leave during otherwise unpaid time off taken under this policy.




This is only an excerpt of the University of Denver’s Non-Discrimination Statement 和 Discrimination 和 Harassment policy with 状态 specific information included in italics. 详情请参阅完整的保单.


The University of Denver is an equal opportunity employer 和 makes employment decisions based on merit 和 University needs. 创造一个包容和专业的环境,让员工感到舒适, 安全, 没有不恰当和不尊重的行为是大学的核心价值观之一.


正规赌博十大平台排行在就业的任何方面都没有歧视, 包括招聘和雇佣, 工作任务, 补偿, 晋升机会, 促销活动, 转移, 评价, 好处, 培训, 纪律, 和终止), 它也不能容忍任何人的骚扰, 包括, 同事, 监事, 还有第三方, 基于下列受保护特征: In 新墨西哥: race (包括 hair that is part of the cultural identification of an ethnic group or that is a physical characteristic of an ethnic group, 比如编辫子, 锁, 或扭曲), 年龄, 宗教, color, 国家的起源, 祖先, 性, 身体或精神残疾或严重的医疗状况, 配偶关系, 性取向, 性别认同, 遗传信息


有关新墨西哥州人权局的信息可在以下网站找到 http://www.dws.state.nm.us/Human-Rights-Information 或致电1-800-566-9471或505-827-6838或发电子邮件给Human.RightsInfo@状态.nm.us.




The University of Denver encour年龄s all employees to report for jury duty 和 provides 新墨西哥 employees with unpaid time off for jury duty service. 当陪审员的假是没有报酬的, exempt salaried employees will not have their pay reduced for any week in which they work 和 also miss time for jury duty.


在收到陪审团义务的传票后, 员工必须尽可能合理地通知正规赌博十大平台排行. The University of Denver may request reasonable documentation of jury duty service to the extent permitted by law. 正规赌博十大平台排行不会开除他, 纪律, 报复, 强迫, or otherwise penalize employees who are absent to attend judicial proceedings in response to a summons for jury duty.




This is only an excerpt of the University of Denver’s Lactation 和 Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding policy with 状态 specific information included in italics. 详情请参阅完整的保单.


给在新墨西哥州工作的员工, 这意味着房间将是干净的, 私人, 在员工工作站附近, 员工将有灵活的休息时间来挤奶和/或母乳喂养.




员工每工作30小时可享受1小时的带薪病假. 员工可以使用带薪病假,原因如下:


  • 照顾雇员的家人或雇员自己的家人;


    • 精神或身体疾病、受伤或健康状况;


    • 医学诊断, care or treatment of a 精神或身体疾病、受伤或健康状况; or


    • 预防性医疗保健;


  • For meetings at the employee's child's school or place of care related to the child's health or disability; or


  • 因家庭暴力需要缺勤的, 性侵犯, or stalking suffered by the employee or a family member of the employee; provided that the leave is for the employee to:


    • 获得医疗或心理治疗或其他咨询;


    • 搬迁;


    • prepare for or participate in legal proceedings; or


    • 获得服务或协助员工的家庭成员进行上述任何活动.


  • 法律规定的其他事由.


根据这项政策, “家庭成员”是指雇员的配偶或家庭伴侣, 或与雇员或其配偶或家庭伴侣有亲属关系的人,如:(i)亲生子女, 采用, 或者是领养的孩子, 继子女或法定监护人, or a child to whom the employee st和s in loco parentis; (ii) a biological, 福斯特, 继父或养父母或法定监护人, or a person who stood in loco parentis when the employee was a minor child; (iii) a gr和parent; (iv) a gr和child; (v) a biological, 福斯特, 一步, or 采用 sibling; (vi) a spouse or domestic partner of a family member; or (vii) a person whose close association with the employee or their spouse or domestic partner is the equivalent of a family relationship.


自7月1日起,员工有权累积和使用带薪病假, 2022 , 在此之后,他们可以使用带薪病假,因为它是应计的. 员工可以请病假,每次不少于一小时. 员工每年最多可以结转64小时的病假.


如果需要带薪病假是可以预见的, employees must provide reasonable advance notice to the Organization 和 make a reasonable effort to schedule the use of 病假 in a manner that does not unduly disrupt the operations of the University of Denver. 在可能的情况下, 员工应在通知中注明他们计划请病假的预计时间. 如果需要带薪病假是不可预见的, 雇员必须在切实可行的情况下尽快提供休假的通知. 如果员工连续两天或两天以上缺勤, the University of Denver may require reasonable documentation that the paid sick time has been used for a purpose set forth in this policy.


病假在任何缺勤期间不累积. 正规赌博十大平台排行可以禁止员工在任何关闭期间使用病假, 除非法律禁止. 任何未使用的病假将在终止雇佣关系时不予支付. If employees separate from the University of Denver 和 are rehired within one year from their date of separation, 他们已获得但未使用的带薪病假将恢复, 员工还可以利用之前未使用的带薪病假.


滥用本组织的病假政策是不诚实的,可能导致解雇. 根据这项政策,员工不需要在休假时找到自己的替代者. 正规赌博十大平台排行不会对任何使用, 或者试图使用, 病假. 除了, 员工不会因投诉违反带薪病假法而受到报复, 在涉嫌违反带薪病假法律的调查或起诉中给予合作, 或者反对任何政策, 实践, 或任何适用的带薪病假法律禁止的行为.




新墨西哥 employees who are eligible to vote may take up to two hours of paid time off to vote on election day if they do not have at least two consecutive hours off before work while the polls are open or at least three consecutive hours off after work while the polls are open.


Employees must provide the University of Denver reasonable advance notice of their need to take time off under this policy. 休假应该在员工工作日的开始或结束时进行, 除非正规赌博十大平台排行另有规定.
