Who We Are

We are a Department of highly trained individuals who work to protect the life, safety 和 property of the DU Community 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Our officers come from all walks of life, including various branches of the military 和 law enforcement. Before we are sworn in as officers, we undergo 320 hours of training in the University of Denver's rules 和 regulations, 当地的法律, drug 和 alcohol recognition, 急救, 心肺复苏, arrest 和 control tactics, 和 a variety of other topics.

We also have a strong working relationship with the Denver Police Department (DPD), exchanging information about crimes 和 quality of life issues. As necessary, we work with community members to facilitate police involvement.

Our goal is to be there for you when you need us. If you see something, say something. Call us at any time to report suspicious activity, persons, or any abnormal situations. We strive to help you in a professional, courteous 和 timely manner no matter what the situation may be.


Meet Our Teams

Get familiar with our seven teams on 校园 和 our Division's organizational structure.



Mission, Values & 愿景

Our mission, values 和 vision are designed to create a safe, secure 和 healthy DU experience.


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Message from the Director

Read our welcome message from Director Mike Bunker.

