Undocumented Students

Education without discrimination

我们努力为所有学生建立一个多元化和热情的校园社区, regardless of background, race or immigration status. As part of that commitment, 我们欢迎并鼓励有无证移民身份的学生申请.

如果你是无证或DACA(童年入境暂缓遣返计划)的学生, we invite you to apply using our international student admission process.

Financial Aid for Undocumented Students

As with all students accepted to DU, we consider all undocumented college students for up to $31,000 per year in merit-based scholarships. These scholarships are considered on an individual basis, and the amount you can receive is based on your academic record. Many of our merit scholarships include a $3,000 Residence Hall Grant.

我们通过几个专门的奖学金奖励艺术和体育方面的杰出人才. 这些奖学金与基于成绩的奖学金有不同的要求和标准,通常每年更新一次.

Additionally, DACA and undocumented students may be eligible for the DU Educational Grant. Because this grant is need-based, you must submit the CSS Profile to be considered.

For more information, visit the Financial Aid website.

Financial Aid & Resources

CTA Background

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Application Checklist

Submit Your Application

Choose a Deadline

  1. Nov. 1 for Early Decision I and Early Action
  2. Jan. 15 for Early Decision II and Regular Decision

What's the difference between the deadline options?

  1. Early Decision 如果你被录取,你和学校之间是否有约束力的协议. You can only apply Early Decision to one school, and if you're accepted to DU via Early Decision, you must withdraw your applications from other institutions. 只有当你确定你想成为杜学生时,你才应该申请提前决定.
  2. Early Action and Regular Decision 是不具约束力的申请,你可以在截止日期前申请任意多所学校吗.

Fill out your application

  1. We accept the Common Application.
  2. The application includes an essay requirement.

Submit the application fee

  1. The application requires a $65 nonrefundable application fee.
    1. To pay online, please log back into your Common Application account.
    2. 你也可以通过支票或汇票付款,邮寄到本科招生处.
    3. If you're facing financial hardship, you can apply for a fee waiver. We grant these on a case-by-case basis, 你应该和你的高中辅导员谈谈,看看你是否符合条件. We accept waiver forms from reputable sources like NACAC.

Submit Your Supporting Materials

Test scores (Optional)

  1. Submitting SAT and/or ACT test scores to DU is your choice. 如果你认为你的分数准确地代表了你的能力,请把它们寄给我们. 如果你最终认为你的考试成绩不能代表你的能力和潜力, feel free to choose our test-optional process. (例外:非分级学校的申请人需要提交考试成绩.)
  2. Please note that if you elect to apply test-optional, 考试成绩将不用于(即使提交)录取或优秀奖学金的考虑.
  3. 使用以下代码通过College Board或ACT提交考试成绩(可选):
    1. SAT Code: 4842
    2. ACT Code: 0534
  4. We do not consider subject test or writing sections.
  5. Super score: If you’ve taken either test more than once, 我们将结合最好的子分数来创建你最好的可能的综合结果.
  6. 如果你收到申请费减免,你可以选择上传ACT和/或SAT考试成绩到你的申请状态页面. Simply log into your account 选择“学生提交考试成绩”材料上传类型,并通过我们的网站发送您的正式考试成绩. You may also email us at admission@taxidalat24h.net. 一旦我们核实了成绩报告,我们将完成您申请的考试成绩要求. Please note this process may take 24-48 hours to complete.

Send your transcript

  1. Send your official high school transcript or verification of a GED.
  2. 你的高中辅导员可以通过电子邮件发送你的成绩单 Naviance or the Common Application.

Alternatively, your counselor can mail your transcript to this address:
Undergraduate Admission
University of Denver
University Hall
2197 S. University Blvd.
Denver, CO 80208-9401

Send your letters of recommendation

  1. 辅导员需要提交普通申请中学报告 NACAC Secondary School Report or a personal letter.
  2. 欢迎你提交那些最了解你、能说明你的学术能力和个人素质的人(老师)的额外信件, a coach, etc.). These letters are optional.
  3. If you'd like, you can submit a ZeeMee ZeeMee是一项免费服务,旨在帮助学生通过照片突出你的个人故事,使他们的申请栩栩如生, videos and text). This is optional, but if you'd like to include it, 只需复制并粘贴你的ZeeMee链接到你的正规赌博十大平台排行申请.

Additional Steps

Check your application status

You can use our online tool to check the status of your application.

Pay your deposit

如果你已经被杜克大学录取并且你想作为本科生加入我们, submit your deposit online to confirm your spot.

Submit your deposit

Additional Resources 


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